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ICEA New Partner in Moldova

ICEA Vice-President and Program Director Elena Seitz signed theagreement on cooperation with the President of the Agency for Innovation andDevelopment Dr. Lisenco Vlada.The Innovation and Development Agency is a non-profit organizationcreated to develop innovative programs in the socio-economic and culturalspheres. The Agency’s mission is to identify, promote, and developinnovative ideas …

Olha Drachevska is ICEA New Partner in Ukraine

ICEA Vice-President and Program Director Elena Seitz signed the agreement on cooperationwith the law firm “Incolanse Law Firm Ltd” in Kiev is a team of highly qualified lawyers, lawyersof experts in their business, which works stably in the field of jurisprudence and developsdynamically.Olha Drachevska is a prominent Ukrainian legal expert …

ICEA Vice-President and Program Director Elena Seitz renewed the agreement on cooperation with the West Ukrainian National University in Ukraine representedby rector Oksana Desyatniuk

ICEA Vice-President and Program Director Elena Seitz renewed the agreement oncooperation with the West Ukrainian National University in Ukraine representedby rector Oksana Desyatniuk. In 2017, the first agreement was signed, and thefruitful joint work lasted all these years. The parties, understanding the need forand importance of scientific and professional cooperation, …